
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
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christ believer
extreme music lover
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scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

东方神起 Concert @ KL

It's gonna take a while for me to gather all the photos, so I uploaded those in my camera first into my album. Link found on the left.


I went to visit my Dentist today. He replaced my braces' rubber and tighten it. I can't chew again. Damn. It's still sore and all. I can't even eat beehoon in peace. Almost choke trying to swollen a whole mouthful (cos I was too hungry!). My dinner btw. Forgot to tell mommy my dinner order for tonight is soft food.

I took a little walk in HMV and bought 东方神起 3rd/latest album. 2 thumbs up! Their concert was fantistic too.

I saw Jay Chou's album at HMV too. Was tempted to buy, but... shall wait for payday. At least it lessen the guilt a teeny bit.

I hop out to lunch at ming arcade. On the way back, we spotted the street hawker style ice-cream seller. I bought one cup mix flavor for just 1 buck. CHEAP!

Hong Leong Dinner & Dance

Soooo freaking tired today. Totally no energy to work at all. And the air-con in my office isnt helping. After work, I had to attend our Hong Leong D&D... shag ah.

Check out my blood-shot eyes:

My boss booked a table for our dept. And he was nice enough to pay for all of us. He's super rich I tell you. His wallet is full of cash. Anyway, 10 of us went for the D&D but due to chinese and muslim food order, we were seperated. Damn... I ended up sitting with Chris, Ruby and my boss along with 3 other people from MCIL.

Check out the projector. Our not-so-newly renovated ballroom. There are much improvement from when I last worked there as a part-time waitress. BUT!!!... why the heck is the 1st course march in song still the same?! After... *counting... counting...* 4 years plus?! O.o

The host was entertaining. Those people up on stage are all MEN.... dressed up to become a w.o.m.e.n. Fake boobs, fake hair... funny shit.

Best part of the whole dinner, not the food, not the games... but the LUCKY DRAW.

I won a Akira DVD Player. Apparently it's the 29th prize. Alas, I have a DVD player in my room already. So I gave it to my mom... who by the way, owns more dvd players in this family than anyone else. And of course, she gladly accepted the 'gift'. Now she has one more machine to do her KTV thingy at home. Haa... my daddy even mention that they were eyeing on it during one of their shopping trips. Well... save the cash dad! Here's one... FOC!

Finally I win something 'valuable' after soooo many years of 'bad luck' with lucky draws. Thanks ah!

Andrew back from Brisbane!

Met up with Fen, Lin and Andrew who just got back from Brisbane for holidays. It was a ssssssssuper last minute dinner plan. I was on the bus home already can... And I suddenly receive a call from Ms Fen about the last minute plan (to invite me along). Alight at Raffles Girls and grab a cab to City Hall. See andrew, give you face ok.... Normally I dun accept last minute meetups, I always plan ahead. (Haaa...)

Anyway, we had wonderful dinner at Ding Tai Fung. Special thanks to Andrew did the paying although it should be vice versa. Next meeting will be our treat for sure.

We den went to Gloria Jean's Cafe for some dessert. Oreo cheesecake! with cookies & cream. So fattening can! Haaaa... I think I did too much talking today. I took my own sweet time finishing my food. I also got 'scolded' for putting up other people's 'ugly' photos on my blog. =.= Andrew... dun kill me ok... i think the above photo is very nice. Handsome lor...

Actually I took quite a few other photos today of fen and Andrew, but this ms fen say all ugly, cannot put up. *shrug* too bad den.

I've not done organising the KL photos. Need to get xueyin to send me the photos in her cam too. Will upload after compiling. Meanwhile, here's a little preview of the ssssssssssuper handsome XIAH from DBSK.... Tada~

P.S: I'll try to write my entries more in English since everyone (including my 2 A1 chinese friends) are too lazy to read Chinese charaters. O.o?!

More updates on DBSK concert & KL trip soon...

Photo taken by brandon shigeta

It's been soooo long since I last went mega shopping. Feeling the withdrawal effect slowly. Just one more week before my salary is out. After that, no one can stop me! Been browsing Flickr for nice photos and stuff. Was doing a search on 'A Bathing Ape' today and saw super nice photos of their shops in other countries. *Sigh* why can't Singapore have posh and beautiful designed shops with a tint sense of art and sophistication? Ok... I don't know what I'm blabbering about. But, you get what I mean right?

Photo taken by brandon shigeta

Then again, maybe it's just my evil side screaming to get out of Singapore for some real shopping. But... not this year. I need to get over this year with my feet planted on Singapore soil.

Erm... hold on... except for this weekend, I'm going to KL for a concert. Yes yes, after that, no more overseas trip till next year. Taiwan~! Here I come!

On another note, when can I start taking beautiful photos with the correct composition, correct color tone and detail? *Upset*











Shirley 看到我也说我今天好像很快乐,“案子应该没问题是吗”。



我有一位同事超喜欢日本人。他一定会high 起来。(大笑)





放工前和同事去附近的Rocky Master 吃晚餐。看到对面有示威者和一大群记者。猛拍的。听说是在新加坡住的缅甸人。生平第二次看到示威。第一次在香港。真的很像在看现场新闻。




小时候的记忆,都离不开音乐。我算幸福吧,要什么,有什么。小时候,人家有什么,我也要有。超幼稚的。姐姐也不懂在什么情况下,开始学钢琴。后来,我也吵妈妈要学。记得妈妈要我们早上都练琴。有一次,我因为不想练琴,被爸爸赶出家门。还把我的钢琴乐谱丢了。后来是妈妈帮我捡回来。可是只考到Grade 2,还是放弃了。


小三(学琴的同一年)考小提琴Grade 2 得Merit

小四考小提琴Grade 4 得Distinction

然后,因为一直考不及格Theory Grade 5而拖延我考小提琴Grade 6的计划。后来换了另一个老师,

在中二考小提琴Grade 5 得Distinction。在同一年,终于也考过Theory Grade 5 和舞蹈Grade 6 得Merit。

中四直接跳大级,考小提琴Grade 8 得Passed 而已。其实当时考试真的表现很糟糕。还记得第二首还拉到一半停了下来。真的呆住,幸亏伴奏老师帮了我,才把整首曲拉完。



两三年后,想再好好拉琴也都太迟了。当初的一点点‘天分’都给自己毁了。也觉得不可能像以前那么‘厉害’。(笑) 真不好意识,自己赞自己。


学爵士鼓,学吉他,学手玲 (Handbells)。又考完舞蹈和小提琴。放学后的空当,会和同学一起弹着吉他,唱歌。我们还会和音哦!超棒的。在家就画画,真是活在艺术的周围。


Jufri's 33rd Birthday Party

Balloons at Jufri's Birthday Party. Pretty...

It was later destroy by a bunch of kids. Everything got tangled up.

Nurul, Fiziana, Jess taken at Jurong Void Deck. Cute mural.

Naoko, our ex-Japanese Guest Relations Officer. Nice seeing her again.

Angel our ex-Guest Relations Exec came too with her mom and bf. Too bad she's leaving for home in Ipoh tml. Miss her.

Farhana's child. Her eyes are sooo adorable. She looks like Boo in Monster Inc.

It was a lovely party. Happy Birthday Jufri!








如果你今天有看新闻的话,就知道乌节大酒店的life-size candyhouse已经开始卖圣诞食物了!快来买哦!不想买也可以来看看我们的candy house。超可爱的。



高高的圣诞树,candy house 在后面。整个屋子是可以吃的哦!clock tower挂着闪闪发亮的吊式。有心形的,圆形的。美!

今年的圣诞,想完成什么心愿吗?记得,"Christmas is about giving, and not receiving. Have you done a good deed today?" (笑)刚刚那句谁可以帮我翻译一下?果然,华语还是超烂的。

世界盛名会(world vision) 已经寄今年的gift package donation list for the needy children。我打算领养多一个孩子。虽然偶尔钱会有点不够用,可是如果省一点,可以再帮多一位小孩生活好一点,为什么不去做?帮助别人,自己也会很开心。而且,世界盛名会的名声是数一数二的。很多名人都有领养小孩。有灾难发生,如果是他们在帮助的地区,一定会去拯救灾民。




Photo by kdmcreative





请看以下vcr,對你愛不完 詞曲:謝和弦(a Chord) 現場牛仔很忙版。两个字,好听!


糟糕!丽芬又要说我太自恋了。哈哈。自从我的photoshop被删掉后,真的没办法edit照片。现在用GIMP, 只懂得resize而已。心血来潮,explore了一下。真的好难啊! 随便啦,玩玩嘛。

今天上班时真的醍不起精。Monday blues吗?希望吧。很讨厌自己对工作没兴趣。讨厌不想多理的我。真的很讨厌。咳!明天会更好吧。。。



在写这篇文章,同时也在看娱乐百分百。来宾是仔仔。好笑! 一位粉丝是从califonia来的。听小猪,小鬼,和仔仔七嘴八舌的讲英文真的让我笑翻天了。其实会两个语言以上的人很多。我应该是较弱的。只懂英文和华文。不懂方言。就是没人教吗。真难过。


Went to see Jaylynn Baby today, still as cute as ever. Little Jaylynn likes to do the Supergal pose while sleeping, else she'll clasp her hands together like praying and pose. She can really sleep, even during feeding time. Impressed. She'll be 1 month old in 2 weeks time. Grow up fast gal, so she can call me 'God Ma!' Haha.

最近不是一直在下雨吗?出门记得带伞。这画是在玩电脑时画出来的,这是第二草稿。记得中学时,在家准备考试时,不好好认真读书,反而在画一些卡通人物。像小倩之类的。上了高三就很少画了,应为有上Arts班,上课画到烦,到家当然不想去动笔。还记得我比较专长画B&W Shading。对彩色没办法。我是色盲吗?

It's been raining alot recently, remember to bring your umbrella out. I drew this whilst playing computer. This is the 2nd draft. I still remember during sec school time, I was suppose to be home mugging for exams, instead, I was drawing cartoon characters on my sketch book. But I stop drawing when I entered sec 3. I had to attend Art Lessons for 5 hours a week. I was better at B&W shading than water painting. I'm no good when it comes to coloring. Am I color blind?
I woke up in shock thinking I overslept for work twice.

I'm hungry and waiting for lunch to be ready.

I'm constantly hungry even after a meal.

Heading over to see my god-daughter later.

Shall go take a shower first.



*LMAO* = *Laff My Ass Off*

P.S, I spend almost half an hour typing this sentence out. *sweat*
"人家说没有知识也要有常识 没有常识也要看电视嘛 但是电视不能看太久 看太久会近视"



Kelly, Matt, 900XX324, Jason, Mommy, Colleagues, Fen&Lin&Yin, Shirin, Stephen, Ruby, Gideon, Gloria, Samuel, Hageta, Yilin, Xinhui, Audrey, Ashraf&Candy, Cheryl etc.

Dad&Mom for the wonderful breakfast & dinner. My mom even wanted to give me a kiss.
William for the very nice lilies. Pleasant surprise.
Fen&Lin&Yin for everything today. My fav. Gerbera flowers, the secret date we had tonight, my fav. cake, one of my fav, pasttime KTV-ing and my fav. brand of accessories. 你们花太多了!爱你们噢!








Hint: 广告。

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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld