Andrew back from Brisbane!

Met up with Fen, Lin and Andrew who just got back from Brisbane for holidays. It was a ssssssssuper last minute dinner plan. I was on the bus home already can... And I suddenly receive a call from Ms Fen about the last minute plan (to invite me along). Alight at Raffles Girls and grab a cab to City Hall. See andrew, give you face ok.... Normally I dun accept last minute meetups, I always plan ahead. (Haaa...)
Anyway, we had wonderful dinner at Ding Tai Fung. Special thanks to Andrew did the paying although it should be vice versa. Next meeting will be our treat for sure.
We den went to Gloria Jean's Cafe for some dessert. Oreo cheesecake! with cookies & cream. So fattening can! Haaaa... I think I did too much talking today. I took my own sweet time finishing my food. I also got 'scolded' for putting up other people's 'ugly' photos on my blog. =.= Andrew... dun kill me ok... i think the above photo is very nice. Handsome lor...
Actually I took quite a few other photos today of fen and Andrew, but this ms fen say all ugly, cannot put up. *shrug* too bad den.
I've not done organising the KL photos. Need to get xueyin to send me the photos in her cam too. Will upload after compiling. Meanwhile, here's a little preview of the ssssssssssuper handsome XIAH from DBSK.... Tada~

P.S: I'll try to write my entries more in English since everyone (including my 2 A1 chinese friends) are too lazy to read Chinese charaters. O.o?!
More updates on DBSK concert & KL trip soon...
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