Hong Leong Dinner & Dance
Soooo freaking tired today. Totally no energy to work at all. And the air-con in my office isnt helping. After work, I had to attend our Hong Leong D&D... shag ah.
Check out my blood-shot eyes:

My boss booked a table for our dept. And he was nice enough to pay for all of us. He's super rich I tell you. His wallet is full of cash. Anyway, 10 of us went for the D&D but due to chinese and muslim food order, we were seperated. Damn... I ended up sitting with Chris, Ruby and my boss along with 3 other people from MCIL.

Check out the projector. Our not-so-newly renovated ballroom. There are much improvement from when I last worked there as a part-time waitress. BUT!!!... why the heck is the 1st course march in song still the same?! After... *counting... counting...* 4 years plus?! O.o

The host was entertaining. Those people up on stage are all MEN.... dressed up to become a w.o.m.e.n. Fake boobs, fake hair... funny shit.
Best part of the whole dinner, not the food, not the games... but the LUCKY DRAW.
I won a Akira DVD Player. Apparently it's the 29th prize. Alas, I have a DVD player in my room already. So I gave it to my mom... who by the way, owns more dvd players in this family than anyone else. And of course, she gladly accepted the 'gift'. Now she has one more machine to do her KTV thingy at home. Haa... my daddy even mention that they were eyeing on it during one of their shopping trips. Well... save the cash dad! Here's one... FOC!

Finally I win something 'valuable' after soooo many years of 'bad luck' with lucky draws. Thanks ah!
Check out my blood-shot eyes:

My boss booked a table for our dept. And he was nice enough to pay for all of us. He's super rich I tell you. His wallet is full of cash. Anyway, 10 of us went for the D&D but due to chinese and muslim food order, we were seperated. Damn... I ended up sitting with Chris, Ruby and my boss along with 3 other people from MCIL.

Check out the projector. Our not-so-newly renovated ballroom. There are much improvement from when I last worked there as a part-time waitress. BUT!!!... why the heck is the 1st course march in song still the same?! After... *counting... counting...* 4 years plus?! O.o

The host was entertaining. Those people up on stage are all MEN.... dressed up to become a w.o.m.e.n. Fake boobs, fake hair... funny shit.
Best part of the whole dinner, not the food, not the games... but the LUCKY DRAW.
I won a Akira DVD Player. Apparently it's the 29th prize. Alas, I have a DVD player in my room already. So I gave it to my mom... who by the way, owns more dvd players in this family than anyone else. And of course, she gladly accepted the 'gift'. Now she has one more machine to do her KTV thingy at home. Haa... my daddy even mention that they were eyeing on it during one of their shopping trips. Well... save the cash dad! Here's one... FOC!

Finally I win something 'valuable' after soooo many years of 'bad luck' with lucky draws. Thanks ah!
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