Went to see Jaylynn Baby today, still as cute as ever. Little Jaylynn likes to do the Supergal pose while sleeping, else she'll clasp her hands together like praying and pose. She can really sleep, even during feeding time. Impressed. She'll be 1 month old in 2 weeks time. Grow up fast gal, so she can call me 'God Ma!' Haha.

最近不是一直在下雨吗?出门记得带伞。这画是在玩电脑时画出来的,这是第二草稿。记得中学时,在家准备考试时,不好好认真读书,反而在画一些卡通人物。像小倩之类的。上了高三就很少画了,应为有上Arts班,上课画到烦,到家当然不想去动笔。还记得我比较专长画B&W Shading。对彩色没办法。我是色盲吗?
It's been raining alot recently, remember to bring your umbrella out. I drew this whilst playing computer. This is the 2nd draft. I still remember during sec school time, I was suppose to be home mugging for exams, instead, I was drawing cartoon characters on my sketch book. But I stop drawing when I entered sec 3. I had to attend Art Lessons for 5 hours a week. I was better at B&W shading than water painting. I'm no good when it comes to coloring. Am I color blind?
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