
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO



今天的晚餐在crystal jade kitchen决绝。因为拜一绑了lower jaw的牙齿,所以只能吃清淡的。我点了fish porridge.

我朋友的Ee-fu noodles



蛋糕!很好吃。还有pure chocolate








Me: Come come, let's take photo...
Colleague: Don't want lah... my face very oily. (wipe wipe!!)


Me: Ok, take photos of our feet den.


after removing make up: my secret to slimming, (cream in hand), bought in taipei.
(haha, kidding. i'm born skinny)


Wah! Bear in uniform, I like...


My bedtime guardian, pikachu x 2


My messy room.

A Bug's Life

Here's a last look of my model before I crush it to death on my right foot. No... before you jump into conclusion, I did not purposely kill it. It was sitting/standing there in the middle of my bedroom floor, keeping real still, and I was minding my own business, taking extra care not to bother it. I even tot of putting barricades around it in case I forget it's still there. But its color really matches my floor. And after a while, I sort of forgot about it's existence and ... oops. I'm so sorry.

Second Breakfast?

Aaahh... what better way to the start the weekend by... waking up for work?! Drag myself out of bed, towards the kitchen. Had my usual routine of Instant Milo, 2 slices of Sara Lee's Cheesecake and 1 piece of Bacon Ham. Lovely. I den took my own sweet time getting ready for work. So obviously, it was way past 9am when I finally landed at Orchard MRT Station. And since I'm late already, might as well grab some bread at Isetan Bakery Shop... and a healthy drink Pink Dolphin at 7-eleven... plus a slice of Melon from Orchard Tower Foodcourt. I was an hour late by the time I got to the office. Lucky Boss not working today. Muahahaha. Happily enjoyed my 2nd breakfast at my desk before helping out at the reception till lunch time.

Pancake anyone?

P.S: My appetite is growing, but my weight isn't. Damn... where did it go?
Remember I mention about my visit to Ikea? My cupboard arrived yesterday (Wed). My lovely parents helped me clear out my old cupboard and shifted it out of my room. Mind you, the cupboard is heavy and hugh. Not easy to carry too. Thanks mom & dad!

Upon reaching home after work, I was greeted with this sight:

After much hard work...

Much neater. I badly need to stock up my food supply. It's running way low, be it at my office or at home.

On monday I also fixed up this:

For my dresses. They're too long to be placed in my wardrobe. Need to get those clothes cover thingy before I bring them out 'in the public'.

作天回去见我的牙医。又拔了多两颗牙。这三年来,已经拔了八颗了。只能说我自讨苦吃吧!早上见牙医,本想回去上班的,可是下巴肿得太难看了,连话都说不出,所以还是决定回家。怎么知道我全家要出门去ikea. 我,脸再肿也要去。难得一家人都有空 (我家人都是大忙人,除了我)。我买的橱明天会送到。还在苦脑该怎样摆设才好。

明天也是我最讨厌的一月一次credit meeting。又要代别人被骂了。唉!命苦啊。

有没有发现我的部落格page loading很慢?

Cheezies a cappella: Facebook Song

Simply Hilarious...

A Walk In The Park

Taking a walk in the park at 10pm after work.

My best photo of the day. Baby snail, only about 3cm. Using Macro and flash.

Again using macro, but the effect wasn't that great

There were spiders on the plant, but my camera zoom is pathetic.

The only stall still open. Thank goodness.

Flowers on pillars.

Butterfly shape.

Ms Kooks and Prof Nutty.

**/me approach the 7-eleven counter at Far East Plaza

Me: Auntie, one Marlboro Red.
Cashier: Your IC please.
Me (in shock): Huh? You mean I dun look 18 years old?

-_- wtf?!



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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld