
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

contact me


Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO


みんなさん あいーたい
コウス わ おもしるいです
でも きみたち みません
ちょっと さびし 

じゃ また明日ね!


Tech, Ops, Project いしょに食べます。

I should be slap for wasting electricity.
I left my laptop on the whole night... twice in a row.
Left the iTunes music playing on and on
Left the Hi-Fi on as speakers for the music
Left the night lamp on...

Note to self: Shall start switching off powerpoint again.

*Discipline... discipline... discipline...*
The constant mental competition within myself
To Stand Out... To be the Best
is taking a toll on me. especially recently
Of course it is a friendly match to spur myself
to nothing but perfection

Stress, can be a good thing sometimes.
Too much thou, is insanity.
It was total craziness this week due to
numerous projects on hand.
I force myself to stay away from work during the weekends.

"Is this what Boss wants, is this up to his expectation?"
Always want to be a step ahead.
I feel happy when my completed projects are being praised.
But sometimes, I feel.. it's not the best, and the Bosses
are just cheering us up, keeping the team morale high.

Am I crazy?

Job Openings @ Universal Studios Singapore

Looking for Fun-Lovin' Full/Part-time Crew
for Attractions (Rides & Shows)
at Universal Studios Singapore - Resort World Sentosa.

All age group and education level are welcome!
Drop your resume at jessy.chang@rwsentosa.com

Universal Studios Singapore, NOW HIRING!

During the department meeting today,
Big Boss mention about the power of Facebook.
During the Sectional meeting today,
Boss again mention about the usefulness of Facebook.

After work...
my facebook homepage looks like that.

Everyone posted ads for recruitment.

I Love my JOB!
"Loving, Hating, and Loving back..."
The kind of feeling I have, for my cellphone.

A laid back Sunday all by myself
Listening Ballad music, reading manga.
If only it rained...
Supper at MacDonalds was Yummalicious~!

JP Morgan Run with RWS

We took the train from Harbourfront
and became Public Nuisance.
With everyone wearing the Company Name at the back,
we tot it was nice marketing strategy.
Well... maybe not.

Group Photo!
With lovely Singapore's Skyscrapers as backdrop.

See... my colleagues are funny.

And evidence of my timing.
I ran/walked 5.6km today at JP Morgan Run. Exhausted.

My new Family is Growing!

Everyone's shagged face after our running session.
3 people are missing here in Attractions Team.

Here's an old photo taken on 1st April.
April Fool's Day.
The whole department wore Polo Tee to work
just to play a prank on our Big Boss.
Ah yes... it's that time of the year again.
To revamp my room. With sweat and aches.
And I'm loving the new layout so much,
I'm turning into a hermit again.
Ultimate comfort!

Oh ya, I also revamp my closet a little.
Now I have more space for new clothes!
Yuppie... I'm feeling the need to do some
retail therapy. Bangkok? anyone...
The beautiful sight I see while going to work everyday.
The bumpy roads, the dusty air.
I miss work already.
A long weekend for me.
I'm on leave coming Monday.
4 days away from the office is killing me.
I Love my Job.


Visited Jaylynn on Sunday at her new home.
She's growing really quickly.
She can walk around.
Probably the next time I see her,
she can baby talk.

St James

It was a crazy night.

Ya, I was freaking tired.

Happy April Fools!

Our head of USS Park Operations was fooled today.
The whole dept played a prank on him.
We all came dressed in polo tee.
Which was forbidden in our dress code, even on Casual Fridays.
One of my colleague took a step further.
She wore Mickey Mouse Polo tee to work.
(Note: Mickey=Disneyland. USS=Universal Studios Singapore)

What can I say...

Happy April Fools!

March 2002. May 2002. June 2002. July 2002. August 2002. September 2002. October 2002. November 2002. January 2003. April 2003. August 2003. January 2004. February 2004. May 2005. July 2005. August 2005. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. September 2007. October 2007. November 2007. December 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. August 2008. September 2008. October 2008. November 2008. December 2008. January 2009. February 2009. March 2009. April 2009. May 2009. June 2009. July 2009. August 2009. September 2009. October 2009. November 2009. December 2009. January 2010. February 2010. April 2010. June 2010. December 2010.

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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld