예성&성민 - 지금만나러 가요

Album: 상근이의 소망 (Full Of Hope) by Various Artist
(Charity album to raise money for abandoned dogs)
Released Date: 2008.12.23
[성민] 울지 말아요 누구를 찾고있나요
don't cry, who are you searching for?
나를 바라보던 작고 가냘픈 눈빛
your little and slender eyes that watched me
두려움을 가득 담고서 떨고있었죠
because you're full of fear, you were shaking, right?
그날 난 사랑을 알았죠
this day I knew love, right?
[예성] 조심스럽게 다가가고있어요
you're carefully approaching me
조심스럽게 난 다가서고있어요
carefully I'm approaching you
아직 작고 여린 그대가 걱정스러워
you, who is still small and soft, are worried
두눈에 사랑을 담아줄게요
I will lay love in your two eyes
지금 만나러가요
now we go to meet
* [예성/성민] 상처입은 작은 맘에 슬퍼하던 예쁜눈에
in this little, wounded heart, in these beautiful, saddened eyes
[성민] 이제 다시는 눈물 흘리지 않게 내가 사랑할게요
I will love you that tears won't flow again
[예성/성민] 다가가는 이 내 맘을 깊어가는 내 사랑을
my heart that comes near, my deepgoing love
[예성] 그대가 어느곳에서 있더라도 난 항상 느껴질수있게요
wherever you are, I will always able to feel it
[성민] 느껴지나요 따스한 나의 손길
do you feel it? my warm fingers
얼어붙어있던 맘을 내가 안아줄게요
this frozen heart I will hold
[예성] 아팠던 기억이 떠올라 눈물 흘릴때면
the hurt memory rises up, when tears flow
그곁에 항상 내가있을게요
at your side I will always be there
[예성/성민] 지금 만나러가요
now we go to meet
* chorus x 2
credit: translation by wassereis
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