
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
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Green City?!

There's so many 'Environment Conservation' theme local programs lately. Promoting ways to conserve energy and recycle habits? Truthfully, ain't we abit too far behind. Thou its never too late to start loving the planet, are we doing enough?

Like everywhere else, introducing a new 'culture' to a nation starts with the public figures, such as.... *drum roooooooll* our government. Media is a good idea to spread the word but sometimes, what happens right at your doorstep can play a major role.

Example, I've notice the Resident Community at my house has setup a garden for planting. Previously just a patch of grass has been fenced up, and voila, a garden.. with cement pathways. I've always wanted to ask my Dad who's a ex-RC member, why cement the pathway, and bricked an area for growing plants. I believe a farm with commercial value does not cement walkways. Cement will only contribute to the rising temperatures. We could have done better with just that patch of grass den.

The access to Recycle Bins is also another big question mark. There was one near my ex-workplace was always dirty and filled up. Another bin around my neighborhood is placed at the least eye-catching area. I use to keep used papers and plastic bottles to throw into those bins but it's so inconvenient I gave up. My bad~

One good environment-friendly campaign did turn out somewhat successful (in my opinion) is the usage of plastic bags. I dun frequent the supermarkets so I'm not sure what percentage of shoppers bring their own shopping bags but I have a handful 'green' bags at home. My parent uses them. I try to reject plastic bags from time to time while I shop. No need for a bag just to hold a bar of chocolate right.

Ok, I shall stop ranting already. Back to my usual photo-log style.


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