Oh~ 일지매/Iljimae/一支枚 Kdrama is going to be on Singapore Channel U coming December. Please watch. I've seen the whole drama (I did mention in one of my entries), I tell you... cry my heart out. The viewers rating was high in Korea.
So what kinda Movie/Drama attracts me? I'm a simple person, a few things will easily satisfy me,
1. Great Soundtrack (Must!)
2. Good storyline with
Depth3. Cultural elements is a plus point
4. Medieval era is one of my favourite
5. Good endings (not necessary happy but a touching one)
That's all I can think of at the moment. See, I like new stuff. 'My Favorites' list is always changing. Which is why I keep changing the song playing here. *Laffs* But it circles around a few genres. R&B, Pop, Rock. I love Ballad the most, those that bring tears are the best.
Ops, side-tracked. Back to Movie/Drama. Let's do a list shall we, (in random order)
- 왕의 남자 (The King and The Clown)
- 일지매 (Iljimae)
- 赤壁 (Red Cliff)
- The Last Samurai
- Lord of the Rings
- Constantine
- 死神の制度 (Accuracy of Death/Sweet Rain)
- 犬と私の
10の約束 (Ten Promises to my Dog)
- クイール (Quill)
1リットルの涙 (1 Litre of Tears)
'The Last Samurai' was really good. Left a deep impression on me. I even have the OST CD. Hmm, seems like I dun have much favorite movies set in the modern era. Am I born into the wrong period?