Woohoo~! Finally a day off from work where I can really rest at home and not buzzing around town or on an airplane. As you all know, I just got back from Macau last week. I intended to buy a pillow for neck support, but in the end, I bought a soft doggie. Haaa~ its just right for hugging and pillow support. Haven't name it yet... any idea? LoL~

During my trip to Macau, there were lotsa mixed feelings and such. Thoughts of giving up, morale plummeted all the way to the centre of the earth, self-doubts and stuff. Maybe we ain't good enough. Maybe it's just not right. We wouldn't be able to make it. It's a very difficult uphill climb for me right now. BUT, I'm determine to push forward and give it my all. It is afterall one of my goals in life to venture overseas and learn to be independent. I should consider myself very lucky to have my colleagues along with me, giving each other support and encouragement. I must give thanks. ^^
Last monday, I skipped my Jap Class (deserve a spank for that) and hang around starbucks waiting for my other colleagues to finish work. Chat and Gossip a bit. Share each's unhappiness at work. My ex-colleague join us thereafter. He showed us around his new workplace.

One of their Suite rooms. Lovely furniture... very zen.

I love their chandelier


Their 'F4' rooms. Which means for family. Hugh.

During my trip to Macau, there were lotsa mixed feelings and such. Thoughts of giving up, morale plummeted all the way to the centre of the earth, self-doubts and stuff. Maybe we ain't good enough. Maybe it's just not right. We wouldn't be able to make it. It's a very difficult uphill climb for me right now. BUT, I'm determine to push forward and give it my all. It is afterall one of my goals in life to venture overseas and learn to be independent. I should consider myself very lucky to have my colleagues along with me, giving each other support and encouragement. I must give thanks. ^^
Last monday, I skipped my Jap Class (deserve a spank for that) and hang around starbucks waiting for my other colleagues to finish work. Chat and Gossip a bit. Share each's unhappiness at work. My ex-colleague join us thereafter. He showed us around his new workplace.

One of their Suite rooms. Lovely furniture... very zen.

I love their chandelier


Their 'F4' rooms. Which means for family. Hugh.
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