This is it. I'm officially losing my social life. My 'workstation' is sooo comfy I can't bear to leave it for 1 sec. I 'stole' the lovely chair from the living room. Ops! and You wun wanna know the number of wires that run below that table just to connect everything together. My back almost broke doing just that. This is the final arrangement after weeks of shifting here and there in the middle of the night. Bless my neighbors who tolerated the noise.
Oh ya, my guitar finally got a stand... my dad force me to get one. Why? cos when he cleans my room, every time he picks up my guitar to clean the floor, he's afraid it'll fall when he puts it back standing upright. Haaa.. I remember my dad did cause my other guitar to tumble and broke 1 string cos he was attaching a wire to my tv a few years back. Now everything is all stable, no worries.
I need more reasons to get out of the house.
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