
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
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A Bad Week

A quick summary of the week’s ongoing,

Monday: Sister’s 25th Birthday. Tanjobi Omedetto. I came to work, doing my usual stuff. At about 10am, my colleague SW approach me and said: “I’ll be taking over the PX accounts.” (PX = pending account, meaning our guest but payment not ready) I was shocked at first but I agreed and gave my whole stack of documents to her. So she did the follow ups that day. I was quite relief as this means I have more time to do my High Balance Report and other discrepancy reports.

Tuesday: I have Training to attend from 2.30 till 6.30pm, which means I only have the morning to clear my daily chores. Colleague SW was on MC. After training, I came back to work to finish up some paperwork. Didn’t go thru the PX accounts.

Wednesday: Colleague SW on MC again. Called in the night to say she’s taking MC but did not call back to confirm. I have the same Training again. Tomorrow is credit meeting. I need to clear the PX accounts before then. At that morning, the PX report generated was 2 pages long. I was hoping my boss would assign someone to assist with clear the PXs. He replied, don’t worry, just let nature take its course tml. I came back after my training and work work work till 1am in the morning. In the evening, I even fought with my boss.

Thursday: Colleague SW came to work at 10am, asking me if I needed any of her help in a very MediaCorp Acting Fashion. I politely rejected her offer. The meeting is at 11am, there’s nothing she can do anyway. About 10.30am, she told me she can’t attend the meeting as she got other things to do. My boss overheard and insists she go. It’s her first time you see, since she request to take over the PX account, she needs to know what goes on in the meeting. Anyway, the meeting was bad. Not as bad as I thought but just as bad.

Friday: Met Fen after work for dinner and shopping. I bought a black dress for my friend’s coming wedding dinner. I bought earrings from Topshop too. We sat down at Coffeebean and vented out all our frustration at work. She’s had a bad week, I had a bad week. The worst news came when Friend L told me, after messaging her to confirm the KL trip, that she couldn’t make it. Due to a not-so-valid reason. What the hell. It’s my birthday celebration for heaven’s sake.

It’s really upsetting to know a friend you were so close with has fallen apart ever since we left school. Is it because of the situation we were in that bought us close, because we work together, studied together, that makes us close cause we see each other often. But now that we’re apart, we drift. There never seems a time when she makes an effort to meet up. We always waited, we always hope, we knew what would happen but carried on with our faith. Yet, faith apart, we were left heart broken most of the time. She didn’t make it to my Birthday Party last year. Déjà vu this year. Even after informing her 2 months before. It seems we are not important. If you’re even reading this, you know who you are, don’t tell me a thousand apologies cause the hurt has been done. Don’t tell me you don’t mean it, cause you could have made the effort to not disappoint me for once. Don’t tell me it’ll never happen again cause I know it will. Don’t tell me anything anymore, cause you probably never wanted to go along with our plan. Don’t wait for us to call you out anymore, cause I’m just so sick of waiting for you to come back to us. They say friends are there no matter what happens, to me, it’s 2 ways, I’m only a human being, and I can be selfish.


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