
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
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scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

My first car accident

I left the office on wednesday at about 10 plus after finish most of my work. Since it was quite late, I took a cab home. It rained the whole day so the road was rather wet. As usual the taxi driver go by CTE to my house. Along the way, while I was still dazed in my own thoughts looking outside the window, I suddenly hear the taxi driver jam brake, the next thing I could remember was seeing the front of the cab collide with another taxi in front. I was thrown off my seat and hit the seat in front. For 1 second everything went dark. But fortunately, it was quite a minor accident. My nose didn't break, thankfully but I got 2 big bruise on my shin. A little lesson for me not wearing seat belt. *pout* The front of the desk taxi was dent and the engine was sounding weird. So the uncle drop me at the nearest petrol station so I could take another cab home. I ended up paying on $5 for my trip home. Half the price I normally pay. But with a price.
Enough of drama for the week. Finally the weekend is here again. Today's teachers' day. It's also the official starting day Dar dar becomes a Duty Manager. He also had to wear his tuxedo uniform from 6pm onwards. He look quite funny. You dun see many asian in tuxedo ya. Thing is, the cutting is weird. And he had to wear the mickey mouse bow tie. I could have die laughing. Can't imagine soraya in her tux. Must be super weird for a lady to wear tux! The funny ideas our hotel can come up with. *shakes head* Too bad I can't post a pic of dar dar in tux. I think he'll skin me alive.


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