Studying on a Sunday

Omg... I'm studying on a bright Sunday morning!! And I actually woke up by 1030am. Impressive? No, actually I got woken up by my sis' ever so LOUD voice. I couldn't get back to sleep which is sooo unusual of me, so I drag myself up and had a lovely breakfast prepared by mommy. Yummy. Noodles. If only mom cooks ramen too...
See the picture up there? That's my coffee table from IKEA. Only 49 bucks! Can buy and throw away kind. But it's pretty useful. See my new TV? Acts as my laptop monitor now too. Kewl ne~ My dad got me a white keyboard to match my table. It's hidden at the second tier of the table. My laptop is right at the bottom = floor. It's too heavy to be placed on the 2nd tier. The wood is too thin to support the weight. This table have some distance from my hi-fi and powerpoint. So there's quite a bunch of wires. Fugly. I have the tv channel wires, TV to DVD, TV & Laptop to Hi-fi, TV powersource, den I got the mouse wire, keyboard wire, ipod wire, laptop powersource, tv to laptop, latpop and wireless connector. Well, if you wanna connect everything together, that's the price to pay. And what do I gain? Very good sound system. I dun need to listen to baseless TV or Laptop Speaker. Haa... complicated? Not really...
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