Hello minna san. Genki desu ka? First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all! As usual, my family didn't do any celebration thou I suggested eating out. Everyone's gone since morning. Actually I woke up late. ;P Saw mommy thou, before she left the house. My family's not really into the celebration thingy. Funny yet true. My daddy and mommy just let us do whatever we want, since me and my sis is all grown up. Hmm.. lotsa emotion today. Wanted to do some additional decor today cos I pull a black cardboard over my little window to block out the morning sunray else my TV will spoil. But the printer refuse to work. So I gave up.
Ok, let's talk about Vesak Day. Basically spent half the day at Supercut getting my hair straighten. I was really sleepy for that 4 hours. Horibble~! After I was done, met up with lin and fen. We had our super early dinner at 1630 hrs (4.30pm for those who can't count 24 hours timing... yup, i'm talking about you, fen) at some Korean Restuarant at Level 1. The food wasn't up to my expectation. Hmm... should say I'm not into Korean food. The one I had was all the ingredient mixed together. And I can't stand eating the same taste for the whole meal. I need different tastes to keep my appetite going. The drink I ordered was disgusting too! Sour Plum Drink tasted more like ... medicine?! We took a cab down to Marina Square. Cab fare sponsored by lin. Arigato ne~ It was fen's first time there. Haa... We visited Zara, Mango, Miss Selfridge, Topshop, and many other misc shop. I couldn't find anything I like. Or should I say I wasn't in a mood to buy things although there's a million item I wanna get. Terrible me.
In the end I only bought a beach bag from NewUrbanMale. Cost me 152 bucks plus membership card.

Apologise for the very very bad image. I took this pic with my hp camera. But it's really a very pretty bag. Fen's got the same one as me! Haa... we are like twins. We already bought tons of same things. Haa~ before we went home, we had ice-cream at Gelare. I suddenly had craving for ice-cream when i saw someone eating. I dun frequent there so we din know we had to take the utensil ourselves. When the ice-cream arrived, no one wanted to move from their seats to take the spoon. We bickered for like 5 mins? before lin gave up. Haa.. how stuborn can we get? VERY. It was a great Vesak Day. We three rarely get to meet up anymore. I'll treasure the times we have more.
It's almost mid may already. Almost half the year gone. Got quite a few plans for the remaining half a year. On monday, got secretary week lunch celebration at Tony Romas with the rest of the 'secretary' in the hotel. I so do not want to go but my boss sent me an email: "There's no excuse to eat out on monday, I'm sure they serve ice milo there". Haa~ LOL ne~ my cute boss. btw, I was drinking MacDonlad's ice milo at that time. I drink ice milo alot. Haa~ And I'm labelled the MacDonald gal at work. Boss say 10% of their revenue comes from me. Haa~ cos I hated our canteen food.
Next sunday, I've got mahjong session with lin, fen and unknown. This is a tentative plan since mahjong plans are always cancelled last minute this year. Next, Kuala Lumpur trip with stephen, augustine, sheena, ashraf and so on. I plan to leave singapore on 24 may and take aug's car to Malaysia but ashraf gave me a call this afternoon, asking me to go Tioman with them. Haa~ I actually asked him go Tioman do wat?! Gotta get approval from my boss to take 2 more off ne~ Actually, dun really wanna go Tioman cos I'm not really close to them, but den when it comes to play, I really dun mind going. So, tml shall ask my boss for 2 more off days.
Then comes July, Front Office Chalet on 10 - 12 July at Downtown east. I'm one of the organiser. Thanks to Aug who sabo me. Haa~. And also in July, Hong Kong Vacation with lin and fen. Tentative dates are 19 July onwards. Waiting for fen to take leave den I'll go head and book the flight tickets. We're not always ATNA. All talk no action. Whoever's interested can drop me an email! Haa~
On 26th October, there's Gloria's wedding at Marriot. No preparation made on my part as yet. Opps. And lastly, Japan Vacation with the family in December!! Soooo looking forward to this. Demo ne~ this trip will only confirm in Sept. And we'll be going with the tour, if there's no group going, then no more japan... :~( *cross my fingers*
Slack the whole day at home today. I was good today. I wash the plates. Haa~ Nobody's home. Boo~ Credit meeting on wednesday. *sweat drop* I'll do my best for the remaining of the year. I promise not to be too lazy. Hee~ yakusoku. That's all for today. Ja ne~