Finally done with my 5 midnight shift. It’s super tiring. And the last night was horrendous. People keep coming to check-in. I only got to start my arrivals after system down, about 1.30am. But I still manage to finish the basic by 3pm. Top up stock, took my break… and started feeling bored. Took some photos with my phone.

Our behind the scene at front desk. Haa..

Hiding in the operator room…

Our bucket of reg cards. I have to go thru each one of them every night. Imagine… 674 rooms. Ouch.. my nails.
One of the 5 midnight shift, there was error with the system and even after morning shift started working, the night auditor couldn’t get the system to run properly. Imagine running a hotel without system. Horrible. I stayed back until 11am.
Enough about work. Remember I lost my wallet? After constant nagging for a month by my parents, I finally got my butt down IAC Building to get my IC replace. Queue to take picture, $5.25 gone… Saw Hagen from Project Superstar too. He look surprisely short. Opps.. Got my papers, fill up the forms. And wait…

Waiting to get into the ‘Interview’ room…

I’m bored…

My ugly photo… my mouth look so weird…

Another number after the Interview…
All in all, I took about 45 mins. Quite fast service although there were tons of people there. Took the train to Bugis and did abit of shopping while waiting for fen. Bought hairspray, porepack from watsons. Food scrub from Missha, and Shoppaholic ties the knot from Kino. Lucky, fen reach just as I was about to pay for the book. If not, I would have continued spending like there’s no tomorrow. Continued our shopping and she got herself a sailor black skirt. Nice… the cutting is like my Zara Pink sailor skirt but hers is half the price. *Heartpain* Jason came not long after and we went to Sakae for dinner.

My usual Ebi Tempura, and Fried Tofu (din have a pix of that, was in my tummy already)

Cam Whoring while having my strawberry Ice-cream

Our 2nd Lieutenant Jason Lim…

Fen and Me!
I actually wanted vanilla ice-cream and we ordered thru the computer. The staff came to inform us they ran out of vanilla. *irritated* So I change my order to chocolate chip, same as fen. 5 secs later, we were told they ran out of chocolate chip too. *angry* So after telling us what they had left, we settle for strawberry.
Fen actually commented that the ice-cream was cold. *DUH*
Jason and fen finished their ice-creams like in 10 minutes… I took about 20. Damn… they are fast eaters. Same thing happened when we were drinking at starbucks. Had a great time reminiscing about poly days.
There was once we had our last exam paper. On the same day, we were suppose to check-in to our chalet room. Me and the guys actually went home, and started playing warcraft before heading down to the chalet. We were really crazy about warcraft at that time. Playing in school & home. We always play the 3 corridors map. I always use the charater with the bird. Den sam’s friend will release dogs to bit my character… Ok, I think you guys have no idea what I’m talking about. Those were the days…
Oh I almost forgot to mention, while having my dinner at Sakae, he called! Ok… he actually called 2 days ago, 3 missed calls from an overseas number. But I was sleeping… opps!
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