
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

Always see it on T.V.
Read it in the magazines
celebrities who want sympaty
all they do is piss and moan
inside the rolling stone
talking about how hard life can be

I'd like to see them spend the week
living life out on the street
I don't think they would survive
if they could spend a day or two
walking in someone else's shoes
I think they'd stumble and they'd fall
(they would fall, fall)

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous
they're always complainin
always complainin
if money is such a problem
well they got mansions
think we should rob them


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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld