
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

Finally watched 'The Eye' today. Most of the time, I was closing my eyes and hiding behind my hands. I din watch the scary parts. I din dare. Funny, the movie have some comedy in it and some touching scenes. Haha, weird. The later part of the show was nicer... cos not much scary faces. Haha.

Argh, finally got thru monday and tuesday. Rest of the week will be more relaxing. Imagine, studying for 8 whole hours everyday. I'll go bonkers. Darn, my handphone went dead on me today. Apparently the LCD Screen have some problem. Hiak. Send it for repair already, hopefully can get it back by thursday. I miss my phone already.


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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld