
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

My Last Weekend in Singapore

I've started packing for my 3 months trip to Orlando, Florida. Oh, the diving bag is for Lifen. She's borrowing my snorkeling equipments for her Redang Trip (without me again T__T). Squeezing a whole lotta stuff into a middle sized luggage is one big feat.

I seriously hope my luggage dun get lost on the way. I got 3 transits... believe it or not!
SIN - HongKong - LA - Miami - Orlando
And my stopover at LA is 7 freaking hours. OMG...

Spent the Saturday with my colleagues. Watched 'Angels and Diamonds Demons' with the EO (Entry Ops) Peeps. I love the movie although some of my colleague beg to differ. Afterwhich, the EO Peeps went for their dinner while we met up with the rest of my section peeps for Seoul Garden dinner.

Cook it American Style (with lotsa meat)

or Asian Style (a variety of seafood, meat, vege)

Grilled Broccoli?

Ate something wrong Dan?

Our 'Mommy' who takes great care of all of us

After dinner recreation, prawn-ing at Bishan

Doug's catch...

This poor gal was the only one who couldn't catch anything.
She hand her fishing rod to my Boss for a second to drink water,
and a prawn was caught.
Better luck next time Shirley!

Terrified Geargina with her catch. Check out the pincher.

Robert's catch. or Xavier?!

We caught a prawn each at the same time.
Double catch!

this dude actually dun eat seafood...

15 caught... poor prawns...

We all had a great time!


My recent choice of music is become very random.
UVERworld is a great band. I love their music arrangements.
Go Youtube them!

Hair Cut Controversy

When my hair was short, I wish it was longer.
When it finally grew long, I cut it short.
After cutting it short, I wish it grew faster.

Woman... they're never satisfied.
The projects and assignments are killing me. Deadline deadline deadline.

I need some fun!

Farewell Party for the AM

The crazy Interns that always make my day.

Yummy food!

Ladies only...

Opps, someone fell asleep...

Karen.. my braces partner!

Night view from Boss' place

Hiding behind the door?!

We taught them '5, 10' game

They taught us the 'quarter' game

I drank one shot of Vodka Neat...

Everyone's a little 'high' after that...

Amazing Karen can look normal after drinking so much

check out my Boss at the background...

Attractions Team + 3 random people

USS Park Ops Team!

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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld