
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

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Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

New Office

Today's our first day at the new office on Site.
Site = Construction Site.
Attractions Ops PC were all set up thanks to Boss.
The rest of the team were struggling with cables and wires.

What's so good about having a container office on Site?
Well, to start off... we have Sea View in the Office and at Cafeteria
We have more cubicles. Meaning, more workstation for new faces.
There's a Coffee Machine in the office.
We have our own Restrooms.
A real pantry area with tables and chairs.
And a handful of meeting rooms to have discussions.

Tanjong Beach, Sentosa

Finally after X Months and X Days, we're back at Tanjong Beach doing our girlie talk. It was unexceptionally crowded. Some Beach Fiesta 09 going on. Lotsa volleyball players around wearing the same top. 'Deal with it'?! Lucky for us, we manage to find a 'quiet' spot. Because of the Fiesta, we had free music.

We spend half the time under the tree and shade. It was blazing hot! I din manage to burnt my skin this time. Which, is a good thing... On our way back to the mainland, we met this German guy who came for the Fiesta. Fen thinks he's kinda cute, I beg to differ. LoL.

I reached home just in time for Earth Hour. I spend 1 whole hour in the dark, alone at home. Boo~ it was freaking scary. The only electronic gadget I use during that hour was my mobile. I need to know the time at least! Thankfully there were some temple dragon/lion dance performance in the neighborhood so I had some entertainment to pass the time. Every minute, I had the urge to flick on the lights but I preserver and save the family 1 hour of electrical bill this month. We should do this every month.

We're Moving

I'm gonna miss my table...
Spend some quality time here for a month

Everyone's taking a photo for memory

And everything into the box.

Work next week onwards will be at the construction site office. More dust, more noise, less peacock noise. At least if we're too stress, we can jump into the sea conveniently. It's just beside our office.

Howl at the moon again

Lotsa candles I see...
Happy counting

Karen and Doug... please dun burn down our office (yet).

Oh yeah....

Watever that means


"THE Dengue"


It was a crazy night...

(Credits: Karen's Cam)

Free food

Oh yeah... we had free food for high tea again.
4 Boxes of pastries and bread.
There were so much leftover we gave them to HR dept.

Ok... back to work.
Signages... *headache*

Howl at the moon?!

Introducing the biggest beer portion served ever.

It's a piano bar? I like the black and white piano they have.
Unfortunately, the people there sit, stand on them.
Poor guys... if I'm rich enough I'll buy you home.

My Boss aka the Birthday Boy was asked to do an Irish dance.

Here's a bunch of crazy people. Very very very crazy people.

Now... why was I there again?
Oooohh, i love the rain. Keep it coming!
Which is worst?

A Weird Person or A Boring Person?
I choose the latter.

Urgh... why the center parting?! Guys... It's 2009!

Writing Manuals is... no joke

I have never been so stuck with one thing for a long time.
It took me 2 weeks to read a Manufacturer Manual of 1 Ride.
It took me 1 week to read SOP, GOP Manuals and edit it.
And there'll be 17 times more of editing the manual. or so my boss says...

Oh yes, I'm talking about work.
Being in an opening team is no joke.
We built alot of things from scratch or
implement alot of things that weren't there before.
And due to that, things get done in a longer time period.

My colleague is having an even harder time completing her assignment.
She had to do an market evaluation, analyst and stuff like that.
With lotsa assumptions and predictions. Very headachy stuff.

Ever since I started working, my life has become very picture-less.
Well, I can't simply go around snapping photos of work stuff.
Confidentiality! I dun wanna get into trouble and lose my ricebowl.
There'll be more colors on this blog once I get to travel.
On that note, be it good news or bad news, flight schedule has changed.
I dun wanna give out any further information till everything is confirm.
But one thing is for sure, which is... I'm going. Just a matter of WHEN!?!?!?

And for my trip, I was instructed to switch to biometric passport.
I applied online last Sat, and my new passport is ready to be picked up.
ICA is becoming very efficient.
2 weeks into my new job.
Things are progressing well.
I was given a chance to sit in for one of the project side meeting.
Discussion with the engineers, manufacturers and programmers.
It was like a school excursion.

First time going into the construction site.
Saw our new office for next month.
The model of Battlestar Galatica Coaster Ride.
Like given an advance crash course of the work my managers are doing.

Next week will be busy... computing all the different infos of the rides.
Getting ready for the 88days trip to Universal Orlando.
Very excited. Very eager to become a pro within the shortest time possible.
103 pages of manual to finish for the weekend.
Till then... I'm looking forward to Monday!

USS @ RWS Team Gathering

Introducing... my new colleagues...

The tallest and the shortest in the dept.
(Yes.. I'm the shortest!!)

From left:
Y.W (Manager - Park Services)
P.Y (Asst. VP - Attractions)
M.C (Asst. Manager - Park Services)
D.A (Sr. Manager - Attractions)
N.L (Area Manager - Attractions)

R.I.P Jang Ja Yun

Another suicide from the Korean Entertainment Circle.

Reports has it that it was due to depression.
Her last call was to a friend saying she's very tired and wanted to die.

I guess it kinda grows.
Depression that is.

I remembered in middle school, there was one particular classmate
who really loves attention and always talk about death
Thou everyone thinks she's just trying to steal limelight,
I always worry one day something will go horribly wrong.
So every time she sends 911 signals to me, I'll always respond
be it false alarm or ...

I dun think I can ever afford to lose another one to suicide...

It's too painful to bear. I'll give unconditional love to everyone. So, please stay alive.


On friday after work, met up with yin at vivo and head down to Ian's Bday Party.
We set off at about 7pm but only manage to reach our destinations 2 hours later.
Yes... we got lost. In little Sillypore. I've never walked so much in heels before.
My feet were double the size when I got home...

ok... i exaggerated a little.

Saturday night was spent at my boss'.
His place is super-duper-whopper awesome.
Now I'm doubled determine to get a Studio Apartment.
We watched Jurassic Park and drank Red/White Wine or Beer.
Haha... yes. Jurassic Park 1. Talk about Classic Movies.
It was fun.
If I own a place like that, I'll invite my friends over for party everyday!

hmm... maybe not.

Went back to OHS to meet up with Sarah for late night supper and drinks.
Some other soul was suppose to come down and meet us but...
as always...
*think: newton's law*

On a side note, everyone's asking me if there's openings at my company.
Of course! there is.
Go check out their website.
(Damn, I need to stop promoting my company...)

Why I Love my Job...

Everyone in the company is happy... always.
There's a Coke-Sponsored fridge filled with Pepsi. (we get free soda)
The Shuttle Bus uncle has the same amount of humor as the craziest colleague.
Meeting rooms are named after super heroes and stuff.
We get discount at certain Sentosa Attractions.
There's free usage of gym, entertainment room with X-box and leg massages.
There's free breakfast every morning. Even the aunty who serves us food is happy everyday.
Everyone around are friendly and have great sense of humor.
The company is eco-friendly and spends more to preserve the environment.
There's recycling bin available at a very convenient spot.
You go to work each day watching the resort built bit by bit.
Even when the bosses in the office gets irritated, he complains about it in a hilarious way.
People in the office is a coke addict. They drink at least 5 cans a day? (i think)
Company will get professional Movers when we need to shift office.
There's always food to be shared in the office.
My big boss, not so big boss, and immediate boss always make sure I'm doing fine.
Colleagues bother to organize a get together outside working hours for drinks.

and the list goes on...

Work... what else.

Everyday is getting better... as in
Everyday there's more stuff to do.
Got more stuff to read up and absorb...
Manuals... SOPs... Radio Codes...
More blue prints to study.
More terminology to learn.

OCC... ADA... SSLIM... TSC...

Back to work

Silly me forgot to bring my mobile on the first day of work.
I almost got lost trying to get to my workplace.
Day 1: Orientation...
Where the play room is, where is gym is, where the cafeteria is.
X-Box and leg massaging machines free for usage.

My office is on level 2. Foresee lotsa stairs climbing...
I was practically reading materials the whole day.

Second day of work... more reading materials/manual...
Technical terms... Abbreviation... blue prints.

I think I need glasses soon...

March 2002. May 2002. June 2002. July 2002. August 2002. September 2002. October 2002. November 2002. January 2003. April 2003. August 2003. January 2004. February 2004. May 2005. July 2005. August 2005. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. September 2007. October 2007. November 2007. December 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. August 2008. September 2008. October 2008. November 2008. December 2008. January 2009. February 2009. March 2009. April 2009. May 2009. June 2009. July 2009. August 2009. September 2009. October 2009. November 2009. December 2009. January 2010. February 2010. April 2010. June 2010. December 2010.

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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld