
"Sincerity & Willpower, Confidence & Hope..."


november 05
family maknae

christ believer
extreme music lover
animal & nature lover
scuba diver in-training

contact me


Audrey (校)
Cleo (友) ♡♡
Frinn (校)
Gideon (网)
Irene (业)
Jason (校)
Puay Kee (校)
Shirin (舞) ♡♡
Xinhui (校)


♬ Now Playing:黃鴻升LOVE_HERO

We had our Fire Drill today. Everyone was to gather at the assembly point and take attendance. And we were suppose to take this seriously cos it concerns life and death. But what did we do? Take photo!

This is the one of my two boss. The other one took a day off.

Jun, Liana, Hadijah, Nurul, and me taking attendance

Our hero of the day...

Andi in spacesuit.


1. I like to - dive.
2. I am allowed - do pratically anything.
3. My favourite part of my body is - my brain.
4. If i could fix one part of my human body - only one?
5. I hate - people who think they know me very well.
6. If I could date a female celebrity, I would date - Hebe from S.H.E
7. If i could date a male celebrity, it’s - David Beckham?
8. I’m attracted to - the beach.
9. I hate it - when I sink into depression.
10. I prefer to sleep - at home.

Saving Planet Earth

As you all should know by now, finally the government and media are starting the 'save planet earth' campaign. Although it's a little late but better than never. I always felt my own country is not doing enough if you really compare with Japan which has already started their recycling habit way years back. It's so hard to recycle in singapore. The recycling bin are limited... and dirty too. Lucky for me, there's a recycling bin near my workplace. I now make an effort to keep those unwanted papers, waiting for an opportunity to throw them into the recycling bin. The amount of wasted paper in my dept is simply horrendous. The habit is developed by my latest boss who crush paper which was only printed one side into his bin conveniently. My first boss on the other hand demands everyone to use recycled paper. And he keeps the plain paper in his office till they turn yellow. I use to order 20 reams of paper a week. Now, we're using 60 reams.

I think I can go on and on about wastage and all, I myself is guilty of not doing enuff. So here's a few stuff (i can think of) that everyone can do their little part to keep the earth going abit longer:

1. Do not use straws.
2. Do not encourage the use of plastic bag. Put your purchase items into your bag.
3. Switch off all electrical appliances when not in use. (save money too)
4. Recycle. (one soft drink can = 3 hours of tv)
5. Walk, dun drive if it's a short distance. Share transportation.
6. Turn your air-con up a few degrees. Even better, turn it off.
7. Use rechargable battery.
8. If you hand wash your clothes, use the water to flush your toilet.
9. Use both sides of the paper.

Any more ideas?

S.H.E - Play Concert

I just got back from Singapore Expo. Went to watch S.H.E's new album, PLAY's concert.

Did late night shopping with fen and lin yesterday. Din manage to get anything as we spend too much time in Wisma itself. All the other shops were closed by then. Had supper at Clarke Quay after that with Ash and Matt. Reach home about 2+am. Woke up this morning at 7am for work. Super tired now.

Anyway, me and gloria snap pictures of S.H.E like nobody's business. Arm aching now.

Their first set of 'costume'

Ella doing the rap

S.H.E playing piano and singing. Ella made some mistakes...

The concert only lasted about an hour. All tickets were given free of charge. Thanks to all the sponsors. My first pop concert and it was great.

Introducing my crazy colleague, Isliana aka blurkoots

Just got promoted to Tour Coordinator. Super stressed up. Haha...

My workstation. Super old table. Gimme a new table!!

Met up with fen, yin and lin for dinner at vivo. Talked alot about our diving trip. Haha, make me laff like mad, especially when we were watching fen's swimming video (refer below below below), we just burst out laffing. So Kawaii! We head over to yin's office for site inspection. The office is very new. Quite a number of cubicle, very interesting, there's even a toilet inside her office! And real pantry area with a sink and fridge and so on. How nice. My work environment is damn bad on the other hand. Very dusty, all the guest luggage around, papers around piled up around my table, staples everywhere... =(
More photos from Redang, taken by Mr Kit

Warning: Heavy dosage of photos

We gathered at Golden Mile complex at 9.30pm on Sunday. Board the bus at 10.30pm. Reach ??? port at 8.30am.

Waiting for the ferry

Tired and sleepy

After freaking long hours of bus journey

Hui and Yi Wen

Feeling bored... nintendo low batt =(

Finally on the ferry

This picture was intended for 4 of us, but see which kapo squeeze into the picture

Group pix

The bridge walk to Redang Reef Resort


School of fishes below

Almost there... almost...




This cat almost scratch me

Introducting, Mr Kit, took care of us alot

All ready for diving class

Fen and Hui with the can condom

Map of Redang

Diver gear up area, our 2nd home

We're actually wearing 2 wetsuits. 1 short sleeve and 1 long sleeve. Too cold...


Hanging out to dry

Hui and our diving instructor jeff

Yi wen, xinhui, me and fen

Ya, i know... i look weird


Haha, that's fen and her signature bicyle swimming style

Clownfish aka Nemo

Mask Clearing

Jeff tie Hui up incase she get lost again... haha

Spotted car tyre in Telok Kalong

It's a must to take at least one photo with a sea cucumber, so here it is


everyone's fav

our gear

I know you can hardly hear them talk so here's a brief summary: the shake him boom boom guy is our instructor jeff who lost xinhui during one of our dives, the 2nd guy you see saved xinhui, and the gal is suzanne, another dive master who helped us alot.

last nite in redang, going for dinner

Lovely beach

Patrick, our diving instructor taking 'passport' photo for license submission

We gave him a hard time with our photos

Den, we force him to take picture with us

This guy's a DJ. He's here for open water diving course like us. Doing some free performance every night. Totally Awesome!

Watching 'Hitch' at the dive centre (there's no tv in our room)

Sunrise at Redang

Room 7

Bye bye Redang... for now

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Layout Credits: Animation from Naver & Cyworld