It’s Mine! *Evil Laff* When I first started using it, I almost got cramps. The phone was much smaller compared to my previous one. But I’m getting used to it. Was just fustrated not able to do anything else when I’m using the mp3 player. Damn… sony ericsson is still much better.
Went shopping with gloria after she woke me up at 4.30pm by calling my house phone. (I switch off my handphone to charge mah…) ‘Rush’ down to meet her. Walk abit here and there. Mission of this shopping trip, to get a dress for the dinner. Went around taka, paragon, but found quite a nice one at Tangs. Alas, Daniel Yam again. And PINK again. Argh… I wanted to buy a BLACK tube dress, but they dun have BLACK. Only PINK. *knocks head against the wall* But I kinda like it, and was abit too lazy to go on searching cos there isn’t anything nice else where! So, I’m stuck with PINK again. Well, I can always look on the bright side, I’ve got a BLACK phone.

While hunting for my dress, I also bought a top from Mango. Spend again… *heartpain*. Last stop was far east. I wanted to get a clutch bag but most look too old on me or to glittery. We finally saw this quite cute pouch but they only had PINK and WHITE. No BLACK. I have no fate with black seriously. Din get the pouch thou. I want something BLACK. Shall continue my search on thursday. Till then… feast your eyes on those 4 pictures for the time being. I specially took out my digicam to take them ok.