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Gave a lil' suprise birthday celebration today. We ordered a cookie & cream ice-cream cake from swensons yesterday. And I went to collect it today. And hide it until they finish work. Den when they change out of their uniform, we silently prepare the cake outside the changing room. Heez... smashing birthday... (pun intended). Yup... cake was smashed into her face. I got it down on video but my itchy fingers were to delete it without knowing. Urgh... feel like cutting my fingers off. Nvm... the next victim's birthday is coming soon.
Ah... finally have the time to sit down and blog. Been going out everyday and getting home only after dark. Eyes are getting smaller each day... not forgetting that my eyes are quite small to start with. It'll become a single line one day. Just wait. Went town today to do some studying. Boy did orchard changed. Wistma is under heavy renovation and the paragon extension is gonna be ready anytime soon for opening. See how time flies... I haven been shopping for... like... since school started? Urgh, I hate my dull life. Gotta spice up my life a little!
The weekend was quite fullfilling. But I dun have the time to tell you guys about it yet. Gotta complete my WM proposal by tomorrow morning.
The much anticipated saturday has finally arrived. But due to the extended deadline for IC and WM assignment, I can't have a relax weekend. Never mind, I'll just put all the assignments and tests aside and enjoy myself tomorrow (technically speaking, today).
Lotsa things happened this week. A friend of mine's laptop got showers of blessing given by her brother and her lappy couldn't start up. Suspected problem is, the motherboard is damaged. That's gonna cost alot. So, guys out there with laptops, don't drink and use your laptop at the same time. Abunai ii yo~.
Another friend of mine had error messages filling up her laptop when she starts her lappy. Suspected problem, virus attack. If you're doing some major assignment or even, a minor assignment, remember to backup. You don't wanna be crying over lost of zeros and ones. (simple english? lost of data).
New virus alert! W32.Sobig.F@mm. Here's the patching for Windows XP - 822925. Just select the language at the right side and click Go.
Lotsa things happened this week. A friend of mine's laptop got showers of blessing given by her brother and her lappy couldn't start up. Suspected problem is, the motherboard is damaged. That's gonna cost alot. So, guys out there with laptops, don't drink and use your laptop at the same time. Abunai ii yo~.
Another friend of mine had error messages filling up her laptop when she starts her lappy. Suspected problem, virus attack. If you're doing some major assignment or even, a minor assignment, remember to backup. You don't wanna be crying over lost of zeros and ones. (simple english? lost of data).
New virus alert! W32.Sobig.F@mm. Here's the patching for Windows XP - 822925. Just select the language at the right side and click Go.
Lotsa assignments = staying in school till their lock up the room and chase us out. Today's the second day in a row I got chased out. Pimples popping out all over my face... stress is the most commonly used words splitting outta my mouth. I need a break. I'm looking forward to saturday. But it seem so far away. Assignments all not done. Mr. Mood swinging happily inside me. Mr. Fustration came along and join in the fun. I get ridiculous messages on my handphone, clowns acting weird around me. Ok... I'm one of them. Then... of all times, past problems came back to haunt me. And when I try to shut it out, my door broke into pieces. Bad memories flew in one by one, making sure I remember them all. But I have no time to think clearly, my assignment deadline is getting closer by the minute. I need to finish them up.
I write in riddles so be it. Dun come bug me cos I bite.
Anyway, I'm back from semi-hiatus cos I think there's alot of things going on here and there and I need to get it out of my system else I'll explode any minute.
I write in riddles so be it. Dun come bug me cos I bite.
Anyway, I'm back from semi-hiatus cos I think there's alot of things going on here and there and I need to get it out of my system else I'll explode any minute.
Reformat my laptop today. Everything is gone. Including stuff in my D drive... which was not suppose to be affected. Cos dumber and itchy fingers of mine went to format D drive as well. All my media files, programs and school work are gone. One good thing, there was no more illegal stuff in my laptop for a few good hours. FYI, I lost my ICQ contact list cos I use Trillian. Got some of the contacts back but if you dun hear from me, do drop me a line.
Did I mention weather was fabulous these few days? Especially today. Ame ame the whole day. (Note: Ame means rain in japanese... I think) Can't wait for next week... especially saturday! That day marks the end of all assignments on hand for this term and start of enjoyment... not forgetting to study for my common test.
Did I mention weather was fabulous these few days? Especially today. Ame ame the whole day. (Note: Ame means rain in japanese... I think) Can't wait for next week... especially saturday! That day marks the end of all assignments on hand for this term and start of enjoyment... not forgetting to study for my common test.
It was quite a rough ride these few days. Emotions like rollar coaster. Fustration all day long. Group member not doing the assignment. And not picking up calls and avoiding us. I dun see how good that person can turn out to be in my dictionary of impressions. I dun see why some people have no bad opinions about him. Am i being bias or what? Whatever the case, the assignment is over. I pray hard I wouldnt have to do another assignment with him ever again in my whole entire life. I dunno about his personality, but his working attitude towards this assignment is rotten. Dead rotten.
Think I'm getting uglier each day with that amount of time I'm sulking. I can't help it, I find no reason to be happy anymore.
Think I'm getting uglier each day with that amount of time I'm sulking. I can't help it, I find no reason to be happy anymore.
A friend of mine has been bothered about relationships lately. Sometimes, someone mention abt God making fun of her, but I'm sure something good will come out of all these. Have faith. Someday, you're prince will come. Erm... you know what I mean. But no matter what happens, I'll be there if you ever need me. =) Same goes to the rest of my friends ok.
Watching this Jap Show now... I'm very impressed by this guy's perserverance (spelling?). Many people always give up after they have a major setback. Always looking back at what they have gone thru and not what they have accomplished. Not many climb back with full confidence. But to me, I think confidence brings you to greater heights in life. Dreams brings inspiration, confidence brings success. Believe in yourself, only doing so, will you be able to believe others too.
Watching this Jap Show now... I'm very impressed by this guy's perserverance (spelling?). Many people always give up after they have a major setback. Always looking back at what they have gone thru and not what they have accomplished. Not many climb back with full confidence. But to me, I think confidence brings you to greater heights in life. Dreams brings inspiration, confidence brings success. Believe in yourself, only doing so, will you be able to believe others too.
March 2002. May 2002. June 2002. July 2002. August 2002. September 2002. October 2002. November 2002. January 2003. April 2003. August 2003. January 2004. February 2004. May 2005. July 2005. August 2005. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. September 2007. October 2007. November 2007. December 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. August 2008. September 2008. October 2008. November 2008. December 2008. January 2009. February 2009. March 2009. April 2009. May 2009. June 2009. July 2009. August 2009. September 2009. October 2009. November 2009. December 2009. January 2010. February 2010. April 2010. June 2010. December 2010. |