Just came back from class chalet. Took a nap til dinner time den watch tv the whole night. Feel so tired. Time passes really fast huh. My exams are over, chalet is over. Happy days over too. Haha... well at least now can relax and plan my own timetable.
After the last paper, me and lilin went down orchard to do wat we do best... shopping. I bought a bag from U.R.S which was quite expensive but I really really like it. Den we head down to Bugis to get some T-shirt and shorts for the chalet. I bought one shirt for juz 5 bucks. Good catch. Haha... and a bottom, and sunglasses. Spent over 100 bucks the whole day. Not really good cos I got no income for the past few days. Lucky my dad still gives me allowance. But now holiday no more allowance.
Chalet was fun... think it was the best of all the class chalet we had. First day, we went cycling for two hours den we started BBQ. The food was alright but i wasn't really hungry so din eat much. Frinn bought her digicam so we took some pics... i'll upload it when i get my hands on those pics. Lifen bought her camera too so more pics coming your way. Anyway, Brendon (our mentor) came too. Everyone took turns to shower.... after that we played games. Everyone form a big circle on two single bed. We played a game which I dunno the name. Everyone's suppose to take one poker card, without looking at it, we place it on our forehead. We den take a look at everyone elses card. Everyone took turns pouring water into two/three cups. If you think you have the smallest card, dun pour too much water unless u're sure you're not the smallest. The two/three cups always end up full. Den we take down our cards and the one with the smallest card have to drink the water. Brendon drank 6 cups. He ended up going to the toilet more than once.
We also played another game call 'guess the number'. Someone who is not playing will pick a number from 1 to 99. We all take turns guessing the number. If you picked the correct number, you have to pick a poker card, if its red, you have to take a dare, if its black, you take the truth. Andy had to do one dare and he have to do a dance. He say he knows break dancing. Everyone got excited and can't wait for him to perform. He ended up doing a stupid break dance. There was a minute of silence before we break into laughter. If i can get hold of the pictures I'll post it up. Anyway, Brendon demostrated another dare to show how it was done. I recorded it in my handphone. Will upload that one too another day, its very funny we all burst into laughter.
Second day was cycling and more cycling. We planned to go canoe but some din break enuff clothings so we drop that idea. Lifen took about half an hour to learn how to cycle. Not bad... everyone cheered everytime she cover more distance with her bike. Haha. She managed to learn how to cycle before it started raining cats and dogs. We returned the bike and ran back to our room. Most of us was wet and took turns to shower. After that some of us fell asleep. Went Tampines Mall for dinner and shop around abit before meeting up with Lizhong and weiqiang. That night we slept quite early. Din play much. We book out the next day.